

Tracy Dawn Brewer

Tracy Dawn Brewer is your host and owner of Brewtifully. She can’t help but draw and infuse creativity into everything she does. If a guest happens to pop on an episode, she will offer the episode doodle prompt to them and suggest they draw along with her during their chat!

Catch the recap doodle on her YouTube Channel and if you doodle along with her during the episode, share your drawing with the hashtag #brewtifullymade so she can share it and celebrate YOUR creativity too!



Tom Delamater

I began my own journey in earnest when I enrolled in classes at a local art institute. It helped that my dad, who was a skilled illustrator and cartoonist, had taught me some principles and techniques when I was young. I had also learned from the talented professionals I had worked with in my career.

Over time I developed an interest in abstract expressionism, largely because of its emphasis on spontaneous, personal expression over traditional techniques or subject matter. I am particularly fascinated with how it evolved in defiance of cultural norms and shifted the attention of the art world to New York in the mid-20th Century. More recently, I've gravitated toward exploring layers, texture and depth in my work. The range of expression and interpretation possible in the abstract genre inspires my art today. 

Tom Delamater Fine Art

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